越战老兵,Kigwang是一个古老的公交车司机。有一天,他遇到了他的儿子是自杀,并在葬礼上遇见了他的孙女。不过,他创立了自己的儿子的一些朋友已经用他的孙女作为他们的需要。这是他报复世界的开始...... A Vietnam War veteran, Kigwang is an old bus driver. One day, he faced that his son had committed suicide and met his granddaughter at the funeral. However, he founds that some friends of his son has been using as his granddaug……
A Vietnam War veteran, Kigwang is an old bus driver. One day, he faced that his son had committed suicide and met his granddaughter at the funeral. However, he founds that some friends of his son has been using as his granddaughter as their need. This was the beginning of his vengeance for the world…