亨利和他的女朋友是他的婚礼邀请他们的朋友。他还邀请亨利的疏远的儿子和他的女朋友|塞西莉亚。亨利已经一个专横的|身份意识的父亲和他的儿子总是憎恨缺乏自由决定自己的生活。他的父亲希望他获得高等教育但儿子想进入实际生活。这使得两者之间的激烈争论。但这只是故事的一面。真正的戏剧后开始的父亲和 Henry and his girlfriend are invited by their friend to his wedding. He also invites Henry's estranged son and his girlfriend| Cecilia to the party. Henry has ……
Henry and his girlfriend are invited by their friend to his wedding. He also invites Henry's estranged son and his girlfriend| Cecilia to the party. Henry has been
an overbearing| status-conscious father and his son always resented on lack of freedom to make decisions for his life. His father wants him to get higher education
but the son wants to get into practical life. This causes bitter arguments between the two. But this is only one side of the story. The real drama begins after the
father and the son are stuck in the cabin with their girlfriends and some sinister revelations and heartrending drama ensues.
