亚当·艾略特和Grace道格拉斯是青梅竹马,从他们的蜜月刚刚复出的时候都惨遭杀害。他们的家人,在Braeston的远程苏格兰高地村的邻居,是满目疮痍。但是,当凶手在他们的家门口晚上到达后杀害他们的世界天翻地覆。风暴已经肆虐,而他的车来到了道路。当两个家庭找到他,受了重伤,他们都面临着一个可怕的困境... 在寻找答案,骨架出土和旧伤重新开放。每个人都有秘密,但是当对与错,好与坏,真与假之间的界限,变得模糊,你怎么应付持久和致命的后果是什么? Adam Elliot and Grace Douglas are childhood sweeth……
Adam Elliot and Grace Douglas are childhood sweethearts, just back from their honeymoon when they are brutally murdered. Their families, neighbours in the remote Scottish Highland village of Braeston, are devastated. But their world is turned upside down when the murderer arrives on their doorstep the night after the killing. A storm has been raging, and his car comes off the road. When the two families find him, badly injured, they are faced with a terrible dilemma…
In the search for answers, skeletons are unearthed and old wounds reopened. Everyone has secrets, but when the lines between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false, become blurred, how do you cope with the lasting and deadly consequences?