开车穿过南加州的偏远地区,一群朋友被迫进入猫和老鼠的恶心游戏,用五吨自卸车。当寻求帮助时,他们绊倒一个家庭的食人族,谁享受快乐肢解和尽可能多的孩子吃。 幸运的少数人逃跑,现在必须回答的同伴家庭的头,一个可怕的被毁的男人,简称为兔子。消失的愤怒,他隐藏他的恶魔背后的兔子套装。他用可爱的兔子服装诱惑他的受害者,只有用他选择的武器,一把链锯折磨他们。 从电影制片人卡尔·林德伯格(粉碎生活)到今年的最奇怪和铁杆恐怖片,没有什么是神圣的。你被警告了。 当一群年轻的朋友从拉斯维加斯的周末旅行返回家乡时,他们……
当一群年轻的朋友从拉斯维加斯的周末旅行返回家乡时,他们穿过南加利福尼亚州的孤立地区,他们被一个大型自卸车的人恐吓和绕行。在寻求帮助时,船员遇到了一个背木家庭,由一个穿着兔子套装的疯狂的疯子带领,意图杀死他们并使他们陷入混乱。 Cheryl Texiera,Matthew Albrecht,Alaina Gianci和Veronica Wylie明星。 89分钟。宽屏(增强);原声带:英语Dolby Digital 5.1;幕后花絮;特征音频评论删除场景;访谈照片库。
Driving through the remote regions of Southern California, a group of friends are forced into a sickening game of cat and mouse, with a five ton dump truck. When looking for help, they stumble upon a family of cannibals, who take pleasure dismembering and eating as many of the kids as possible.
The lucky few who escape, now must answer to the head of the cannibalistic family, a horribly disfigured man, simply known as Bunnyman. Consumed by rage, he hides his demons behind a bunny suit. He lures in his victims with a cute bunny costume, only to torture them with his weapon of choice, a chainsaw.
From filmmaker Carl Lindberg (Shattered Lives) comes this year's most bizarre and hardcore horror film where nothing is sacred. You've been warned.
When a group of young friends returning home from a weekend trip in Las Vegas drives through the isolated regions of southern California, they're terrorized and detoured by someone in a large dump truck. While searching for help, the crew encounters a backwoods family, which is led by a deranged maniac dressed in a bunny suit, intent on killing and cannibalizing them. Cheryl Texiera, Matthew Albrecht, Alaina Gianci, and Veronica Wylie star. 89 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 5.1; behind-the-scenes footage; featurettes; audio commentary; deleted scenes; interviews; photo gallery.
