本片通过五个不同寻常的小故事,阐述着性与爱的关系:派克和安娜是一对已婚夫妇,他们想要重燃他们在性关系中缺失已久的激情。 何塞•路易斯试着重获他妻子帕罗那的欢心,因一次意外而丧失行动力的她,至今只能坐在轮椅上。坎德拉里亚和安东尼奥想尽一切办法怀上孩子,但她始终在做爱时达不到高潮。艾利克斯试着满足娜塔莉亚的幻想,但她却开始怀疑他最后会不会向她求婚。最后,桑德拉一直寻找着自己的那个真命天子,受困聋哑于她又将如何找到真爱?。他们爱着,害怕着,承受着,探索着自己不同的性癖好以及“性”格的多样……
本片通过五个不同寻常的小故事,阐述着性与爱的关系:派克和安娜是一对已婚夫妇,他们想要重燃他们在性关系中缺失已久的激情。 何塞•路易斯试着重获他妻子帕罗那的欢心,因一次意外而丧失行动力的她,至今只能坐在轮椅上。坎德拉里亚和安东尼奥想尽一切办法怀上孩子,但她始终在做爱时达不到高潮。艾利克斯试着满足娜塔莉亚的幻想,但她却开始怀疑他最后会不会向她求婚。最后,桑德拉一直寻找着自己的那个真命天子,受困聋哑于她又将如何找到真爱?。他们爱着,害怕着,承受着,探索着自己不同的性癖好以及“性”格的多样性,最后终于找到通往幸福的路。
Through five stories| the movie addresses sex and love: Paco and Ana are a marriage looking for reactivate the passion of their sexual relations| long time
unsatisfied; Jose Luis tries to recover the affections of his wife Paloma| sit down on a wheelchair after an accident which has limited her mobility; Mª Candelaria
and Antonio are a marriage trying by all way to be parents| but she has the trouble that no get an orgasm when make love with him; Álex try to satisfy Natalia's
fantasies| while she starts to doubt if he finally will ask her in marriage; and finally| Sandra is a single woman in a permanent searching for a man to fall in
love. All them love| fear| live and explore their diverse sexual paraphilias and the different sides of sexuality| trying to find the road to happiness.