卡洛琳,一个三十多岁的女人,已经失去了一切,正在寻找一个新的开始。她搬进一间旧公寓,开始意识到她并不像她想象的那么孤单。正如她正在寻找新的东西,老东西正在寻找她。 Caroline, a woman in her late thirties, has lost everything and is searching for a new beginning. She moves into an old apartment and starts to realize that she is not as alone as she thought she was. Just as she is searching for somet……
Caroline, a woman in her late thirties, has lost everything and is searching for a new beginning. She moves into an old apartment and starts to realize that she is not as alone as she thought she was. Just as she is searching for something new, something old is searching for her.