三兄弟会男孩潜入三侧平举联谊会见证新承诺的开始和被抓到。该承诺必须去当地的保龄球道和窃取奖杯|由不必要的兄弟会男孩帮助。一场事故导致奖杯,打破|释放邪恶小鬼谁然后开始大肆破坏与青少年|谁开始痛苦的磨损问题。 Three frat boys sneak into the Tri-Delt sorority to witness the initiation of new pledges and are caught. The pledges must go to the local bowling lane and steal a trophy| aided by the unwanted frat boys. An accident ca……
Three frat boys sneak into the Tri-Delt sorority to witness the initiation of new pledges and are caught. The pledges must go to the local bowling lane and steal a
trophy| aided by the unwanted frat boys. An accident causes the trophy to break| releasing an evil imp who then begins wreaking havoc with the teens| who begin
suffering an attrition problem.
