从度假回来,米勒家庭发现他们的家已被打破。 清理烂摊子后,他们继续他们的生活,摆脱被侵犯的感觉。 但他们不知道噩梦刚刚开始。 Returning from vacation, the Miller family find their home has been broken into. After cleaning up the mess they continue with their lives, shaking off the feeling of being violated. But little do they know the nightmare has just begun. ……
从度假回来,米勒家庭发现他们的家已被打破。 清理烂摊子后,他们继续他们的生活,摆脱被侵犯的感觉。 但他们不知道噩梦刚刚开始。
Returning from vacation, the Miller family find their home has been broken into. After cleaning up the mess they continue with their lives, shaking off the feeling of being violated. But little do they know the nightmare has just begun.
