影片“59,杀手鼩鼱,发现一群人在一个小岛上的贪婪的野兽。这一次詹姆斯最好的船长是受雇于一个现实船员回到岛和…你猜对了,鼩鼱再次攻击。 The '59 film, The Killer Shrews, found a group of folks on an island with the ravenous beasts. This time James Best's ship captain is hired by a reality crew to return to the island and...you guessed it, the shrews attack again. ……
The '59 film, The Killer Shrews, found a group of folks on an island with the ravenous beasts. This time James Best's ship captain is hired by a reality crew to return to the island and...you guessed it, the shrews attack again.
