被指控在青春期杀害他的兄弟,萨尔瓦多生活在巴塔哥尼亚中部隔离。几十年没见了,他的哥哥马科斯和他的嫂子劳拉来说服他卖掉他们继承的土地。十字路口,在荒凉和人迹罕至的地方的中间,使决斗,受害者与凶手的角色转换了一遍又一遍。 Accused of killing his brother during adolescence, Salvador lives isolated in the middle of Patagonia. After several decades without seeing, his brother Marcos and his sister-in-law Laura, come t……
Accused of killing his brother during adolescence, Salvador lives isolated in the middle of Patagonia. After several decades without seeing, his brother Marcos and his sister-in-law Laura, come to convince him to sell the lands that they share by inheritance. The crossing, in the middle of a lonely and inaccessible place, revives the duel where the roles of victim and murderer are transformed over and over [email protected]
