马文书店是一个小商店老板在加里,印第安纳州,美国。后他看到射击的劳里·汤普森当地黑帮的儿子,他放弃了汽车的牌照号码报警。这伙人并不像这样他们去商店和粗糙的他。不久,约翰学者涉及到城镇设置错误的事情。罗力和他的老朋友的帮助下,杰克,他们试图夺回街道和展示新一代的帮派成员真正的原件能做什么 Marvin Bookman is a small shop owner in Gary, Indiana, USA. After he sees a drive-by shooting of Laurie Thompson's son by a local gang, he gives up the li……

Marvin Bookman is a small shop owner in Gary, Indiana, USA. After he sees a drive-by shooting of Laurie Thompson's son by a local gang, he gives up the license number of the car to the police. The gang doesn't like this so they go to the store and rough him up. Soon, John Bookman comes to town to set the wrong things right. With the help of Laurie and his old friend Jake, they attempt to take back the streets and show the new breed of gang members what the true originals can do