这是七月四日在洛杉矶,和杰米,一个打破了插画谁拖欠着房租,试图当他的霸道的室友外出把野炊,但一切似乎走错了。演员:Andre Hyland,约翰尼·伯顿,伊丽莎·库普,Yasmine Kittles,Anna Lee Lawson,Paul Erling Oyen。世界首演 It's the Fourth of July in Los Angeles, and Jamie, a broke illustrator who is behind on his rent, tries to throw a cookout while his overbearing roommate is out of town, but everyth……
这是七月四日在洛杉矶,和杰米,一个打破了插画谁拖欠着房租,试图当他的霸道的室友外出把野炊,但一切似乎走错了。演员:Andre Hyland,约翰尼·伯顿,伊丽莎·库普,Yasmine Kittles,Anna Lee Lawson,Paul Erling Oyen。世界首演
It's the Fourth of July in Los Angeles, and Jamie, a broke illustrator who is behind on his rent, tries to throw a cookout while his overbearing roommate is out of town, but everything seems to go wrong. Cast: Andre Hyland, Johnny Pemberton, Eliza Coupe, Yasmine Kittles, Anna Lee Lawson, Paul Erling Oyen. World Premiere
