加比和斯彭斯|和怪异的狗|是“鬼巡逻”|城镇超自然的病虫害防治|但他们从来没有见过真正的鬼。当他们打电话给探讨老年精神庄园|他们即将找到他们正在寻找的证据以及更多。 Gabi and Spence| and the Spooky Dog| are the "Ghost Patrol"| Their Towns supernatural pest control| but they have never seen a real ghost. When they get a call to investigate the old Geist Manor| they are about to find the proof they are looking for - ……
Gabi and Spence| and the Spooky Dog| are the "Ghost Patrol"| Their Towns supernatural pest control| but they have never seen a real ghost. When they get a call to
investigate the old Geist Manor| they are about to find the proof they are looking for - and a whole lot more.
