失控的Sohyun独自留下后男友消失。她很快适应变性简,并加入逃亡者的家人在她的照顾。简的家庭充满了温暖和同情,就像一个真正的家庭。但是好时光过得太快了。 Runaway Sohyun is left all alone after her boyfriend disappears. She soon meets transgender Jane, and joins the family of runaways in her care. Jane's family is full of warmth and compassion, just like a real family. But the good times pass her b……
Runaway Sohyun is left all alone after her boyfriend disappears. She soon meets transgender Jane, and joins the family of runaways in her care. Jane's family is full of warmth and compassion, just like a real family. But the good times pass her by too quickly.