所有的圣徒是基于销售人员的鼓舞人心的真实故事的牧师Michael Spurlock(约翰·考伯特),小教堂,他被勒令关闭,和一组来自南洋的难民。他们一起冒着一切风险为未来播种种子,这样才有可能拯救他们。 ALL SAINTS is based on the inspiring true story of salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock (John Corbett), the tiny church he was ordered to shut down, and a group of refugees from Southeast Asia. Together, they ri……
所有的圣徒是基于销售人员的鼓舞人心的真实故事的牧师Michael Spurlock(约翰·考伯特),小教堂,他被勒令关闭,和一组来自南洋的难民。他们一起冒着一切风险为未来播种种子,这样才有可能拯救他们。
ALL SAINTS is based on the inspiring true story of salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock (John Corbett), the tiny church he was ordered to shut down, and a group of refugees from Southeast Asia. Together, they risked everything to plant seeds for a future that might just save them all.
