Nerdy中学生汤米在克隆的科学展览会项目舱位之前被迫照顾婴儿恐龙。 他很快就开始认为这个生物不仅仅是一种宠物 也是朋友。 但是当迪诺在展会的当天逃跑 汤米必须找出一种方式让生物回到贪婪之前先到达恐龙。 Nerdy middle schooler Tommy is forced take care of a baby dinosaur after his cloned science fair project hatches early. He quickly begins to think of the creature not only as a pet, but also as a friend. But whe……
Nerdy中学生汤米在克隆的科学展览会项目舱位之前被迫照顾婴儿恐龙。 他很快就开始认为这个生物不仅仅是一种宠物 也是朋友。 但是当迪诺在展会的当天逃跑 汤米必须找出一种方式让生物回到贪婪之前先到达恐龙。
Nerdy middle schooler Tommy is forced take care of a baby dinosaur after his cloned science fair project hatches early. He quickly begins to think of the creature not only as a pet, but also as a friend. But when the dino escapes on the day of the fair, Tommy must figure out a way to get the creature back before greedy grown-ups get to the dinosaur first.
