暴力的反英雄比尔·威廉姆森有一个计划,对富人严格复仇改变世界|而且除了翻录华盛顿。他拥有数人的人质并使用他的俘虏他的政治平台来传播他的讯息,唤醒人性。它的时间来破坏系统|并且变化不会发生和平。 Violent anti-hero Bill Williamson has a plan to change the world by exacting vengeance on the rich| and ripping Washington apart. He holds a number of people hostage and uses his captives as his political platform to spread his me……
Violent anti-hero Bill Williamson has a plan to change the world by exacting vengeance on the rich| and ripping Washington apart. He holds a number of people hostage
and uses his captives as his political platform to spread his message and awaken humanity. It's time to destroy the system| and change won't happen peacefully.