由于被拒绝接受基督的折磨,彼得一生都在为自己的失败赎罪。现在他面对着尼禄的死亡,他会再次动摇吗?他的软弱会背叛他,还是会在他最后的时刻凯旋? Tormented by his denial of Christ, Peter spent his life attempting to atone for his failures. Now as he faces certain death at the hand of Nero, will he falter again, his weakness betray him or will he rise up triumphant in his final moment? ……
Tormented by his denial of Christ, Peter spent his life attempting to atone for his failures. Now as he faces certain death at the hand of Nero, will he falter again, his weakness betray him or will he rise up triumphant in his final moment?
