Will是一名逃犯,无意中来到一个谷仓避难,谷仓的两个主人,April和马丁,当晚打了一架,马丁遭到枪击,April拖拽马丁尸体的时候发现了Will。Will说服她,他不想伤害她,只是凑巧目击了谋杀,双方达成合作以避免坐牢。后来发现马丁还没死,他们要做出艰难的选择。 Will, an escaped convict, inadvertently takes refuge in a barn the same night the owners, April and Martin, get into a terrible fight. A gun shot goes off ins……
Will, an escaped convict, inadvertently takes refuge in a barn the same night the owners, April and Martin, get into a terrible fight. A gun shot goes off inside the house. April drags Martin's body outside and discovers Will. He convinces her that he is not there to harm her but has witnessed the murder so they must cooperate or both go to prison. The two take out to dispose of the body only to find out he is not dead. The task of disposal turns into a kidnapping nightmare and, as the two try to navigate the turn of events, they find they must make some hard choices to keep from losing it all.
