佩蒂介绍了澳大利亚土著Danielle Macdonald蛋糕为一个突破性的角色,为有抱负的歌手Patricia Dombrowski,又名Killa P,又名Patti Cake。争取荣耀一个不太可能的任务在她被蹂躏的家乡在Jersey,她的生活分崩离析,佩蒂试图达到与原和影响音乐嘻哈现场大。欢呼的祖母(凯西·莫拉蒂)和唯一的朋友,Jheri(Siddharth Dhananjay)和Basterd(Mamoudou Athie),佩蒂还肩负着她母亲(布丽姬埃弗雷特)的痛苦和不幸。 PATTI CAKE$ introduces Australian native D……
佩蒂介绍了澳大利亚土著Danielle Macdonald蛋糕为一个突破性的角色,为有抱负的歌手Patricia Dombrowski,又名Killa P,又名Patti Cake。争取荣耀一个不太可能的任务在她被蹂躏的家乡在Jersey,她的生活分崩离析,佩蒂试图达到与原和影响音乐嘻哈现场大。欢呼的祖母(凯西·莫拉蒂)和唯一的朋友,Jheri(Siddharth Dhananjay)和Basterd(Mamoudou Athie),佩蒂还肩负着她母亲(布丽姬埃弗雷特)的痛苦和不幸。
PATTI CAKE$ introduces Australian native Danielle Macdonald in a breakout role, as aspiring rapper Patricia Dombrowski, a.k.a. Killa P, a.k.a. Patti Cake$. Fighting an unlikely quest for glory in her downtrodden hometown in Jersey where her life is falling apart, Patti tries to reach the big time in the hip hop scene with original and affecting music. Cheered on by her grandmother (Cathy Moriarty) and only friends, Jheri (Siddharth Dhananjay) and Basterd (Mamoudou Athie), Patti also shoulders her mother's (Bridget Everett) heartaches and misfortunes.
