The second part of City Slickers begins after the death of Curly. It is the 40th birthday of Mitch Robbins and the day begins quite good until he returns home (after a hard day at the radio station) and finds his brother Glen, the black sheep of the family, in his sofa. Nevertheless he is about to have a wonderful birthday-night with his wife when he discovers a treasure map of Curly by chance. Together with Phil (from the first part) and unfortunately with Glen he tries to find the hidden gold ……The second part of City Slickers begins after the death of Curly. It is the 40th birthday of Mitch Robbins and the day begins quite good until he returns home (after a hard day at the radio station) and finds his brother Glen, the black sheep of the family, in his sofa. Nevertheless he is about to have a wonderful birthday-night with his wife when he discovers a treasure map of Curly by chance. Together with Phil (from the first part) and unfortunately with Glen he tries to find the hidden gold of Curly's father in the desert of Arizona instead of attending a meeting in Las Vegas. The adventurous journey reveals many surprises until everything seems to be over when the map gets lost... 故事梗概: 米奇拥有一家属于自己的电台,事业有成的他对朋友十分关照,尽管公司同事反对但他还是将刚刚离婚情绪低落的好友菲尔安排在自己的公司上班。生日这天原本米奇准备和妻子度过一个甜蜜的夜晚,但弟弟格莱恩的到来却打破了他的计划。在米奇看来格莱恩无所事事而且头脑简单,和米奇相比真不像是一对亲兄弟。 偶然间米奇从一顶破帽子里发现了一张藏宝图,这顶帽子是他的朋友卷毛生前留下的。菲尔鼓动米奇一起去寻宝,原本米奇对于寻宝的事情并不感兴趣,他认为那些都是骗人的东西。直到在图书馆里发现有关金子失窃的报道,而被通缉的窃贼正是卷毛的父亲,才相信了这一切。 米奇骗妻子到拉斯维加斯开会,和菲尔、格莱恩一同去寻宝。但地图少了一个角,他们只得按照大致路线去寻找。途中当地人劫持了他们,并准备夺走藏宝图。此时一个和卷毛长相一样的人出现救了米奇他们。经过攀谈大家得知这个人是卷毛的孪生弟弟迪克,他也是来寻宝的。米奇说服迪克和他们一起寻宝,迪克同意了。 一路上遇到很多艰难险阻,但大家彼此帮助感情加深了许多。在藏宝地米奇果然发现了金条,正当他们高兴得手舞足蹈时,卷毛以前的几个朋友出现了。朋友们告诉米奇,这不过是卷毛安排的一场游戏,根本没有宝藏,那些金子也不过是被上了颜色的道具。 经过了那么艰难的跋涉不过是在做游戏,大家心中的滋味可想而知。但不知为什么,米奇、菲尔和格莱恩却并没有为此失落,他们找到了比金子更贵重的东西,那就是友谊和信任。 精彩视点: 美国西部牛仔的传奇故事一直都是好莱坞最受青睐的电影题材,如果再加上寻找宝藏的情节将更加吸引观众眼球,本片就是这样一部现代版的西部寻宝片。本片是《城市乡巴佬》的第二部,影片倡导人与人之间彼此建立信任,真诚相待,对于一个人友谊比金钱更重要。曾参与拍摄超过100部电影及电视剧集、擅长饰演大反派的资深演员杰克·帕兰斯在本片中出演了迪克一角,1992年他曾凭借在《城市乡巴佬》第一部中的出色表现获得第64届奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。在第二部中他精湛的演技得到延续,成为影片中的亮点之一。 1月16日 14:33 CCTV-6播出详情