长期的都市是一个玩世不恭的、聪明的成年电影第一时间的小说家Fenton Dillane,他突然回到纽约,面对他的家庭,他的前女友和一些挥之不去的童年恐惧。 CHRONICALLY METROPOLITAN is a cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York City to confront his family, his ex- girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears. ……
长期的都市是一个玩世不恭的、聪明的成年电影第一时间的小说家Fenton Dillane,他突然回到纽约,面对他的家庭,他的前女友和一些挥之不去的童年恐惧。
CHRONICALLY METROPOLITAN is a cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York City to confront his family, his ex- girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears.
