纽约约会喜剧,一个人的hallucination-fueled分手后为了找到新的爱情……和他自己。当查理·卡罗尔退出他的工作和他的女朋友同一天|似乎终于找到了自由。但在快速下降的黑暗水域纽约约会|查理开始怀疑如果他犯了一个错误。他不是单身生活的装备。事实上|查理可能不是普遍的生活。没有工作,没有爱|查理被迫去旅行的 A new film from Red Square Pictures and writer/director Benjamin Cox, Stereotypically You is the NYC dating comedy that follows one man’s hallucinat……
A new film from Red Square Pictures and writer/director Benjamin Cox, Stereotypically You is the NYC dating comedy that follows one man’s hallucination-fueled, post-breakup quest to find new love… and himself.
When Charlie Carroll quits his job and his girlfriend on the same day, it seems as though he’s finally found freedom. But after a quick dip in the dark waters of the NYC dating pool, Charlie begins to wonder if he’s made a mistake. He’s not equipped for single life. In fact, Charlie might not be equipped for life in general. With no job and no love, Charlie is forced to go on a journey of self-discovery so intense that he begins to suffer from surreal hallucinations, flashbacks, and fantasies. Will he find “the one?” Or did that ship already sail, taking with it his only hopes for relationship sanity?
