托尼,一个男孩子气的拳击手,在土地课后钻队在辛辛那提西区社区一个点。她急切地吸收套路,主人钻,甚至穿进她的耳朵自己以适应。这是她的第一次友谊和她的舞蹈发现的快乐。托尼加入团队后不久,大部分的球队中女孩遭受昏厥发作,动荡不已,并以难以控制的宣泄晃动。没有人能解释的神秘爆发。这些配合即将改造成的成年礼作为创伤吸引其他女孩走得更近。她需要控制她的验收愿望的夹缝中,托尼必须决定她会走多远体现她的新理想。 Toni, a tomboyish boxer, lands a spot on an after-school drill team in th……
Toni, a tomboyish boxer, lands a spot on an after-school drill team in the West End community of Cincinnati. She eagerly absorbs routines, masters drills, and even pierces her own ears to fit in. It’s the joy of her first friendships and her discovery of dance. Shortly after Toni joins the team, most of the girls on the team suffer from episodes of fainting, swooning, and shaking in a seemingly uncontrollable catharsis. Nobody can explain the mysterious outbreak. These fits soon transform into a rite of passage as the trauma draws the other girls closer together. Caught between her need for control and her desire for acceptance, Toni must decide how far she will go to embody her new ideals.