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迪伦试图通过使马鲁回到隧道来拯救特尔和贝卡,但被迫放弃它,由于大块的碎片被吸入隧道。 当他回来时,Beka和Tyr出现在Andromeda没有明显的理由。 现在,她的船员已经团聚,安德罗米达试图摆脱隧道的重力拉力。 在尝试期间,贝卡试图过早滑动,导致仙女座被拉入隧道。 迪伦很快控制了舵,拉出了船,但是Tyr和Beka似乎都奇怪。
Dylan attempts to rescue Tyr and Beka by taking the Maru back towards the tunnel, but is forced to abandon it due to a large field of debris being sucked into the tunnel. When he returns, Beka and Tyr appear on Andromeda for no apparent reason. Now that her crew has been reunited, the Andromeda attempts to break free from the gravitational pull of the tunnel. During the attempt, Beka tries to slip too early, causing the Andromeda to be pulled into the tunnel. Dylan quickly takes control of the helm and pulls the ship out, but Tyr and Beka both seem to be acting strangely.
详情主演:杰玛·韦兰,罗莎·科杜里,妮雅姆·库萨克,塔姆金·奥斯威特,维多利亚·罗斯,查理·帕尔默·罗斯韦尔,埃米特·斯坎伦,塔希拉·谢里夫,埃拉史密斯,马克·雷恩斯伯里,安迪·M·米利根,Yasmin Davies,Victoria Bolt,Faith Delaney,Michael Karim,Robin Morrissey,Catherine Rowney,Maud Druine,Elsie Clark
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