杰克来到阿姆斯特丹找到他的父亲和| 通过瞬间的魔法遭遇| 发现了一个秘密武器,可以转过他父亲的大麻大麻咖啡店。 Jack comes to Amsterdam to find his father and| through a momentary magical encounter| finds the secret weapon that could turn around his father's ailing marijuana coffee shop. ……
杰克来到阿姆斯特丹找到他的父亲和| 通过瞬间的魔法遭遇| 发现了一个秘密武器,可以转过他父亲的大麻大麻咖啡店。
Jack comes to Amsterdam to find his father and| through a momentary magical encounter| finds the secret weapon that could turn around his father's ailing marijuana coffee shop.
