地讲述了四名十几岁的男孩把自己的夏天逃离街头的克利夫兰,俄亥俄州去追求一个梦想的生活职业滑板。但当他们被抓到在web本地Queen-pin,马特里兄弟会测试,威胁要让这个夏天他们最后。 THE LAND tells the story of four teenage boys who devote their summer to escaping the streets of Cleveland, Ohio to pursue a dream life of professional skateboarding. But when they get caught in the web of the local Queen-pin, their motley b……
THE LAND tells the story of four teenage boys who devote their summer to escaping the streets of Cleveland, Ohio to pursue a dream life of professional skateboarding. But when they get caught in the web of the local Queen-pin, their motley brotherhood is tested, threatening to make this summer their last.