“虽然每年数以百计的令人不安的灵异事件发生,其中大部分冷却遇到未被报道——直到现在。见证倒霉的受害者经验面对恶魔的无法形容的恐怖力量,邪恶凶残的恶作剧和其他实体上坚决声称他们的灵魂。陷入深渊醒来的噩梦,因为这些嗜血的恶灵寻求拥有猎物并拖动them-kicking和鸣叫地狱。 "Although hundreds of disturbing paranormal events occur every year, most of these chilling encounters go unreported - until now. Bear witness as hapless victims experience t……
"Although hundreds of disturbing paranormal events occur every year, most of these chilling encounters go unreported - until now. Bear witness as hapless victims experience the unspeakable terror of confronting demonic forces, murderous poltergeists and other evil entities that are dead set on claiming their souls. Descend into an abyss of waking nightmares as these bloodthirsty, malevolent spirits seek to possess their prey and drag them-kicking and screaming-down to hell."