10岁的Amelia的父母认为这是她睡觉永久|离开她破碎的身体在无声的浅坟的时候。50年后|妈妈和爸爸是从地狱里回来的|意图造成同样致命的纪律,任何人不在床上黄昏。冬青和伊丽莎白姐妹失去了他们的头脑,他们|朋友们正在失去他们的头脑。邪恶的东西已经坠毁党|但没人知道他们是战斗。当女孩的哥哥|查利|到达|他做好家庭小组和孩子们开始了解什么是坚定的父母教养方式。 10 year old Amelia's parents think it's time for her to go to sleep permanently| leaving her broken body in a si……
10 year old Amelia's parents think it's time for her to go to sleep permanently| leaving her broken body in a silent shallow grave. 50 years later| Mommy and Daddy
are back from hell| intent on wreaking the same deadly discipline on anyone not in bed by nightfall. Sisters Holly and Elizabeth are losing their minds| and their
friends are losing their heads. Something evil has crashed the party| but no-one knows what they are fighting. When the girl's brother| Charlie| arrives| he
completes the family group and the kids start to find out what firm parenting really means.
