索尼克海是关于工业和军事海洋噪音对鲸鱼和其他海洋生物的破坏性影响有60分钟的纪录片。电影开始了谜:在2000年作为谜展开三月不明原因搁浅,并在巴哈马群岛鲸鱼的几个种类的大量死亡|影片探讨了在海中的声音的关键作用|而突然|戏剧性的变化人类活动造成的海洋的细腻声栖息地 - 变化威胁鲸鱼和其他海洋动物繁荣的能力|以功能|最终| 生存。索尼克海具有几个有魅力的科学家|包小柏Balcomb|谁向世界证明了海军的声纳捕杀鲸鱼前海军飞行员和声学专家|还有音乐家和环保活动家|斯汀|其移动采访我们在陆地上的声音连接世界海洋生物的声音世界。……
索尼克海是关于工业和军事海洋噪音对鲸鱼和其他海洋生物的破坏性影响有60分钟的纪录片。电影开始了谜:在2000年作为谜展开三月不明原因搁浅,并在巴哈马群岛鲸鱼的几个种类的大量死亡|影片探讨了在海中的声音的关键作用|而突然|戏剧性的变化人类活动造成的海洋的细腻声栖息地 - 变化威胁鲸鱼和其他海洋动物繁荣的能力|以功能|最终| 生存。索尼克海具有几个有魅力的科学家|包小柏Balcomb|谁向世界证明了海军的声纳捕杀鲸鱼前海军飞行员和声学专家|还有音乐家和环保活动家|斯汀|其移动采访我们在陆地上的声音连接世界海洋生物的声音世界。影片提供的解决方案(和|通过扩展|希望)一个安静海洋|和...
Sonic Sea is a 60-minute documentary about the devastating impact of industrial and military ocean noise on whales and other marine life. The film begins with a mystery: the unexplained stranding and mass mortality of several species of whales in the Bahamas in March 2000. As the mystery unfolds, the film explores the critical role of sound in the sea, and the sudden, dramatic changes human activity is inflicting on the ocean's delicate acoustic habitat -- changes that threaten the ability of whales and other marine animals to prosper, to function, and ultimately, to survive. Sonic Sea features several charismatic scientists, including Ken Balcomb, the former Navy pilot and acoustics expert who proved to the world that naval sonar is killing whales, as well as the musician and environmental activist, Sting, whose moving interview connects the sonic world of marine life with our sonic world on land. The film offers solutions (and, by extension, hope) for a quieter ocean, and underscores that the ocean's destiny is inextricably bound with our own
