当一个古老的恶魔意外地在一个人口稀少的阿拉斯加城镇释放时,生存的唯一希望在于一个灰熊的老恶魔猎人耶贝迪亚·伍德利和他不情愿的伙伴联邦调查局特务埃弗林·皮尔斯。 When an ancient demon is accidentally unleashed in a sparsely populated Alaskan town, the only hope of survival lies in the hands of a grizzled old demon hunter Jebediah Woodley and his reluctant partner FBI agent Evelyn Pierce. ……
When an ancient demon is accidentally unleashed in a sparsely populated Alaskan town, the only hope of survival lies in the hands of a grizzled old demon hunter Jebediah Woodley and his reluctant partner FBI agent Evelyn Pierce.
